Neobotix PlatformPilot

A complete solution for AMR control


Today we would like to introduce you to a complete solution for AMR control in more detail - our Neobotix PlatformPilot. Localization, navigation, motion control, traffic management - all from one source.

Depending on the modules used, not only end users and integrators of automation applications in intralogistics can use the full capabilities of their hardware and optimize the material flow, but also researchers can integrate individual approaches.

Due to the modular structure of the software and with our powerful communication framework , different kinematics, drive systems and sensors can be efficiently controlled and evaluated. So far, the following kinematics modules are available:

- Differential drive

- Tricycle

- Mecanum (omnidirectional motion)

- Neobotix OmniDriveModule, ArgoDrive in any configuration and number (omnidirectional motion depending on configuration).

Of course, the degrees of freedom of each type of drive are taken into account in the motion planning.

You have developed your own robot platform with innovative kinematics or want to use new sensors for environment perception? No problem, just use your own module or let our experts help you.

The extensive API library with open protocols speeds up and cheapens the integration effort. OPC-UA, JSON-RPC, HTTP, LUA scripting, ROS are already included.

Curious? We look forward to your questions and will be happy to support you.

Your Neobotix Team